Dear Friend,
Chabad Lubavitch of West Davie is committed to providing wonderful and enriching programs to every Jew in rural davie, and our continued growth is made possible by the support we receive from friends like you.
Unlike traditional synagogues, Chabad Lubavitch of West Davie does not ask for annual membership dues or require any building fund payments. Each Chabad Center is self-supporting and receives minimal funding from Lubavitch World Headquarters in New York.
To help support the efforts of Chabad Lubavitch of West davie, we have created the Chai Club and are inviting you to become our partner. By becoming our partner through the Chai Club, you are committing to a monthly donation in a multiple of 18, or Chai which means life in Hebrew. As a member of the Chai Club, your donation, combined with everyone else’s in this special club, will allow us to continue serving the community’s spiritual needs and allow us to reach out like never before.
Adler family
Antevy family
S. Antian
Barzilay family
Black family
Blachman family
Ben ishay family
Cotter family
Dolin family
Eagle Family
Eisenberg family
Gold family
Gopin family
S. Gutstein
Haime family
E. Halperin
Itkin family
Klipper family
M. Lahav
Langsam family
Minsky family
Neuman family
Ochoa family
Peress family
Pinhas family
Posner family
Raskin family
Rassler family
Reiderman family
Rozenfeld family
Schiller family
Segal family
Setboun family
Spalter family
Speilman family
Mitch Teger
Lizbeth Trejo
Valevitch famly
Wechter family
Wolff Family
Zietz family
Barron family
Berkowitz family
Friedman family
Gelman family
Grodsky family
Gruber family
Hattenbach family
Kaufman family
Katz family
Kochav family
Kohn family
S. Lior
Rousso family
Rowell family
Sabin family
Schwatz family
Y. Sneiderman
N. Speilman
Turk family
Zohar family